Senin, 12 Februari 2018


Tenseigan Symbol
Kanji 転生眼
Rōmaji Tenseigan
Literal English Reincarnation Eye
Novel The Last: Naruto the Movie
Movie The Last: Naruto the Movie
Appears in Novel, Movie
Classification Kekkei Genkai, Dōjutsu
 [CollapseKnown Wielders


The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a dōjutsu possessed by Hamura Ōtsutsuki and his descendants. It is characterised by blue pupils and irides which contain a white, floral pattern.


The Tenseigan was first manifested by Hamura Ōtsutsuki. Using its great power, he brought order and stability to the moon. Even after his death, the people of the moon treated Hamura's Tenseigan as a treasure and enshrined it as a religious object, developing a plan to eternally preserve it.[2]
It is possible to manifest a new Tenseigan by combining the chakra of Hamura's descendants within the Ōtsutsuki and Hyūga clans. When an Ōtsutsuki implants the Hyūga clan's Byakugan, the combination of their chakra will transform the Byakugan into the Tenseigan.[2] Once implanted, the Byakugan will gradually synchronise with the Ōtsutsuki's chakra and mature into the Tenseigan, periodically causing its wielder painful pulsations in the process. Once the final, most painful pulsation has concluded, the Tenseigan will be complete.[3]

Toneri Loosing Tenseigan
Toneri's Tenseigan reverting to the Byakugan.
A millennium after Hamura's time, one of his descendants, Toneri Ōtsutsuki, was able to awaken the Tenseigan by kidnapping Hanabi Hyūga and implanting her pure Byakugan, his own eyes having been sealed within the Energy Vessel at the time of his birth. Concluding that mankind had used chakra for evil purposes, Toneri was determined to fulfil his clan's thousand year vow by destroying humanity with the power of the Tenseigan. To this end, he intended to drop the moon onto the Earth, confident that his ocular power would be able to restore it. However, shortly after the completion of his Tenseigan, Toneri was defeated in battle by Naruto Uzumaki, causing his Tenseigan to fade and revert into the Byakugan. Hinata Hyūga subsequently took back her sister's eyes, leaving Toneri blind once more.[3]


Tenseigan Chakra Mode
Toneri in Tenseigan Chakra Mode
The Tenseigan allows the user to control attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. With the complete Tenseigan, the user is able to enter Tenseigan Chakra Mode, which grants the user enhanced physical capabilities as well as a number of Truth-Seeking Balls, comprised of all five nature transformations and Yin–Yang Release. By infusing the balls with Tenseigan chakra, it is possible to utilise additional powerful techniques. The Tenseigan is also capable of moving the moon towards the Earth, as well as powering a gigantic golem.[3] Its ocular power is capable of reviving a planet in the event it was destroyed.[2]



Sharingan Triple
Kanji 写輪眼
Rōmaji Sharingan
Viz Manga Mirror Wheel Eye
Harfiah Mata Roda Penyalin
Manga Volume #2, Bab #12
Anime Naruto Episode #5
Novel Naruto Jinraiden: Hari Serigala Melolong
Film Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
Permainan Naruto: Clash of Ninja
OVA Mission: Protect the Waterfall Village!
Penampilan Anime, Manga, Novel, Permainan, Film
Klan Uchiha Symbol Klan Uchiha
Ōtsutsuki Clan Symbol Klan Ōtsutsuki
Klasifikasi Kekkei Genkai
Pengguna Diketahui
Zetsu Hitam
Kakashi Hatake
Makhluk Mata-mata Sharingan (Hanya di Manga)
Shijima (Hanya di Novel)
Danzō Shimura
Baru Uchiha (Hanya di Anime)
Fugaku Uchiha
Hikaku Uchiha
Inabi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha
Gagak Itachi
Izumi Uchiha (Hanya di Anime)
Izuna Uchiha
Kagami Uchiha
Madara Uchiha
Naka Uchiha (Hanya di Anime)
Naori Uchiha (Hanya di Anime)
Obito Uchiha
Rai Uchiha (Hanya di Anime)
Sarada Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha
Shin Uchiha (Hanya di Manga)
Setsuna Uchiha
Shisui Uchiha
Tajima Uchiha
Tekka Uchiha
Yashiro Uchiha
Sharingan (写輪眼; Secara harfiah berarti "Mata Roda Penyalin", Arti (Viz) "Mirror Wheel Eye") adalah dōjutsu kekkei genkai dari klan Uchiha yang muncul selektif diantara anggotanya.[1] Mata ini dianggap sebagai salah satu Tiga Besar Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Secara harfiah berarti "Tiga Besar Teknik Mata"), yang lainnya adalah Byakugan dan Rinnegan.[2]


Sasuke's 2-1 Sharingan
Sasuke dengan tahap sharingan awal (kanan) dan kedua (kiri).
Kekuatan Sharingan, karena hubungannya dengan Kutukan Kebencian, merupakan sebuah berkah dan kutukan. Saat Uchiha mengetahui emosi yang kuat terhadap seseorang, seperti cinta dan persahabatan, kondisi stres atau emosional dibawa keluar dari kehilangan orang yang berharga menyebabkan otak untuk melepaskan bentuk khusus dari chakra yang mempengaruhi saraf optik sementara mengubah mata menjadi Sharingan.[3] Setelah aktivasi awal, Sharingan dapat digunakan secara bebas, meskipun ada kemungkinan untuk Uchiha kehilangan memori dari peristiwa semacam itu dan tidak mengaktifkannya sampai melalui kemauan pada waktu kemudian.[4][5] Ketika Sharingan pertama kali diaktifkan oleh pengguna, ia memiliki jumlah yang berbeda dari Templat:Bihongo sekitar pupil pusat, bervariasi antara setiap pengguna.[6][4]

Sasuke Sharingan
Sharingan penuh.
Pengguna dari Sharingan, melalui penggunaan terus menerus dan pelatihan, mengakibatkan perubahan bentuk yang lebih lanjut, yang melibatkan mata penuh hingga memiliki tiga tomoe. Saat Sharingan berkembang, keuntungan kemampuan pengguna meningkat melalui pandangan yang meningkat. Sebagai contoh, mereka setidaknya dapat menyalin gerakan tangan dengan satu tomoe, memprediksi pergerakan seseorang dan menyalin teknik dengan dua tomoe dan benar-benar menggunakan kemampuan Sharingan bila sepenuhnya matang. Dari beberapa karakter mereka mengungkapkan, dojutsu ini rupanya "bersinar" dalam gelap.[7][8] Sesuai dengan namanya, Sharingan dan bentuk turunan telah menunjukkan kemampuan untuk berputar.[9] Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ketika seseorang membangunkan Mangekyō Sharingan mereka tanpa Sharingan matang, Sharingan mereka secara otomatis akan langsung sementara berkembang menjadi Mangekyō Sharingan.[10]


  • Kanji "Rin" (輪; Secara harfiah berarti "Roda") juga digunakan dalam Rinnegan dan Rinne Sharingan, berpotensi menghubungkan tiga istilah etimologis.
  • Kishimoto menyatakan dalam Buku data ketiga bahwa jika pengguna Sharingan dan Byakugan menikah, anak-anak mereka akan memiliki satu Byakugan dan satu Sharingan.
  • Dari apa yang karakter telah katakan, dōjutsu ini rupanya "bersinar" dalam gelap.[11][12]
  • Dalam anime, dua dari seratus boneka Sasori, terlihat dengan apa yang tampak sebagai Sharingan.[13]
  • Kakashi Hatake adalah salah satu orang selain klan Uchiha yang memiliki Sharingan, Mata "Sharingan'" tersebut di beri oleh Obito Uchiha ketika Obito tertimpa batu besar yang menimpa setengah badan nya yang kanan. Ketika Kakashi membunuh Rin, dan Obito baru saja sampai di tepi pasukan Desa yang bersembunyi di kabut, mereka telah memasuki tahap Mangekyo Sharingan, yaitu Mangekyo Sharingan Kamui.



Kanji 輪廻眼
Rōmaji Rinnegan
Harfiah Mata Saṃsāra
Lain Mata Enam Jalan (六道の眼, Rikudō no Me)[2]
Manga Volume #27, Bab #238
Anime Naruto Episode #135
Novel Boruto: Naruto the Movie
Film Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison
Permainan Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja 5
OVA Naruto x UT
Penampilan Anime, Manga Permainan dan Film
Klan Ōtsutsuki Clan Symbol Klan Ōtsutsuki
Klasifikasi Kekkei Genkai, Dōjutsu
Pengguna Diketahui
Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki
Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki (Hanya di Film)
Madara Uchiha
Obito Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha
Zetsu Hitam
Shinra Tensei
Chibaku Tensei
Bansho Tenin
Kuchiyose: Gedo Mazou
Gedo Rinne Tensei no Jutsu (Jurus pembangkit kematian)
Rinnegan (轮迴眼; Secara harfiah berarti "Mata Samsara") terkenal sebagai mata paling mulia di antara Tiga Besar Dōjutsu (三大瞳术, San Daidōjutsu; Secara harfiah berarti "Tiga besar teknik mata").[3] Pengguna Rinnegan dikatakan diturunkan dari langit untuk menjadi "Dewa Penciptaan" yang akan menenangkan gangguan di dunia atau "Penghancur" yang akan membuat segala sesuatu menjadi ketiadaan.[1] Rinnegan ditandai dengan pola riak yang menyebar diseluruh bola mata.


Rinnegan pertama kali diwujudkan oleh Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, diwarisi dari kekkei Mōra[Catatan 1] dari Rinne Sharingan ibunya. Dengan Rinnegan ia menyelamatkan dunia dari Ekor-Sepuluh dan menciptakan ninshū, nenek moyang ninjutsu moderen. Karena kontribusinya kepada dunia, Hagoromo menjadi dihormati sebagai "Petapa dari Enam Jalan" dan menjadi mitologi selama berabad-abad,[4] dengan demikian kedatangan Rinnegan akan dianggap oleh banyak orang sebagai legenda atau mutasi.[5]

Madara's rinnegan
Madara dengan Rinnegan di usia tuanya setelah menanamkan DNA Hashirama ke dalam dirinya sendiri.
Rinnegan dapat terbangun dengan menggabungkan chakra putra Hagoromo, Indra dan Asura, dalam rangka menciptakan chakra Hagoromo.[6] Zetsu Hitam berabad-abad mencoba untuk melakukannya, dengan mencoba untuk memanipulasi reinkarnasi dari Indra dan Asura untuk membangkitkan Rinnegan.[7] Tidak sampai saat reinkarnasi Indra Madara Uchiha dan akhirnya Zetsu Hitam berhasil, ketika Madara menanamkan dirinya dengan DNA dari Hashirama Senju reinkarnasi Asura saat itu. Namun, Sharingan Madara tidak menjadi Rinnegan sampai sedekade kemudian, pada akhir umurnya; sepertinya ini juga tampaknya memulihkan penglihatan hilang dari penggunaan Izanaginya.[8] Ketika Kabuto Yakushi mereinkarnasi Madara, ia beroperasi berdasarkan hipotesis serupa yang mana Sharingan dapat berkembang menjadi rinnegan melalui kombinasi dengan DNA Hashirama. Untuk itu ia berhasil menciptakan rinnegan dan direinkarnasikan ke tubuh Madara,[9] meskipun ini adalah mata palsu dan tidak memiliki akses penuh untuk kemampuan yang asli.[10]
Momoshiki juga menggunakan rinnegan. Tidak seperti kebanyakan dōjutsu, dan tidak seperti Rinnegan lainnya, matanyanya berada di telapak tangannya, dan berwarna merah sebagai lawan untuk menerangi ungu, mengingatkan pada Rinne Sharingan. Namun, setelah menyerap chakra dari Kinshiki, rinnegan Momoshiki menjadi ungu muda, dan dia memperoleh mata ketiga di dahinya.[11]

Sasuke's Rinnegan 2
Rinnegan Sasuke dengan enam tomoe.
Sharingan kiri Sasuke Uchiha menjadi Rinnegan ketika roh Hagoromo memberi setengah dari chakranya untuk Sasuke.[12] Rinnegannya memiliki enam tomoe berbeda dengan bentuk pertama yang juga beriak. Jika terlalu sering digunakan dan cukup lemah, Sasuke Rinnegan sementara akan kehilangan tomoe dan kekuatan penuh sampai terisi kembali. Periode pengisian tampaknya menjadi salah satu yang sangat panjang.[13] Sasuke juga akan kehilangan kemampuan untuk bahkan membentuk Mangekyo Sharingannya dan mengakses kekuatannya sampai mereka telah diisi ulang.[14]
Seperti halnya dōjutsu lain, rinnegan dapat ditransplantasikan ke orang lain. Madara menanamkan kedua matanya pada Nagato tanpa sepengetahuan anak itu,[15] dan Nagato mampu membuat penggunaan efektif dari rinnegan sepanjang hidupnya karena sedarah dengan Senju. Setelah kematian Nagato, rinnegan diambil oleh Tobi,[16] yang ditanamkan pada mata kirinya sendiri dan menyembunyikan yang lain karena dia tidak bisa menahan kekuatan kedua mata sekaligus.[17] Meski begitu, ia mampu menggunakan satu Rinnegan untuk pengaruh yang sangat kuat pada Perang Dunia Shinobi Keempat. Madara kemudian mengambil kembali kedua Rinnegan setelah ia dihidupkan kembali. Dan akhirnya meninggal dengan mereka.[18]


Di samping Rinne Sharingan, rinnegan adalah dojutsu yang paling kuat ada, dengan Tenseigan sebagai lawan terdekatnya. Mata ini memberikan penggunanya berbagai kemampuan tanpa persyaratan chakra diketahui untuk menjaga mata aktif. Kemampuan tertentu hanya tersedia bagi pemilik asli rinnegan, tetapi kepemilikan bahkan transplantasi rinnegan tunggal dapat memberikan kekuatan luar biasa.[17] Rinnegan dapat melihat aliran chakra, dan tenketsu dalam tubuh[19] tapi tidak dapat mendeteksi melalui hambatan seperti bom asap.[20] Dengan rinnegan, penggunanya dapat menguasai setiap jutsu serta transformasi alam kelima dengan mudah.​​[21] Seorang pengguna rinnegan mampu menciptakan penerima hitam, yang mana mereka dapat mengirimkan chakra mereka melintasi jarak jauh.[22] Rinnegan dapat juga sepenuhnya menguraikan isi prasasti batu Hagoromo.[23]

Nagato using the Asura Path
Nagato menggunakan Teknik Enam Jalan.
Memiliki rinnegan memberikan pengguna banyak kemampuan yang dikenal sebagai Teknik Enam Jalan:[24] kekuatan gravitasi Jalan Deva; hewan panggilan tersedia untuk Jalan Hewan; kekuatan serap terbatas dari Jalan Preta; kontrol atas jiwa orang lain dengan Jalan Manusia; pilihan mekanisasi berbeda dari Jalan Asura; akses Raja Neraka melalui Jalan Naraka. Nagato mendistribusikan salah satu kemampuan ini untuk masing-masing Enam Jalan Painnya - dimana enam mayat tertanam dengan penerima hitam. Kemampuan ketujuh, Jalan Luar, dikatakan memungkinkan pengguna untuk memimpin hidup dan mati sehingga mereka dapat menghidupkan orang mati,[24] memanggil dan mengontrol Patung Iblis dari Jalan Luar,[25] dan mewujudkan rantai chakra untuk mengikat orang lain.[26] Seperti halnya Sharingan dan Byakugan, yang dapat melihat melalui genjutsu, dan ketika dikombinasikan dengan semua chakra sembilan monster berekor dapat mematahkan genjutsu yang paling kuat yang pernah ada, Tsukuyomi Tidak Terbatas.[27]
Kemampuan Rinnegan tertentu hanya ditunjukkan oleh pengguna tunggal: Madara dapat melakukan Limbo: Penjara Garis untuk membuat bayangan jasmani yang hanya dapat dilihat oleh Rinnegan;[28] rinnegan Sasuke memungkinkan dia untuk melakukan pergeseran ruang dalam jarak tertentu dari dirinya sendiri;[29] rinnegan Momoshiki memungkinkan dia untuk menyerap ninjutsu dengan kontak, dan memberikan kepadanya kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan ninjutsu yang ia telah serap.[



I was playing mine craft casually, wondering if I would see herobrine . I didn't believe the myth at the time. I came up to a village, see a zombie walking around in the sunlight and not being set on fire. This "zombie" was clearly not a normal one. Then, when I walked up to the "zombie" the game glitched out. I was concerned about what happened, I was play with a group of friends at the time. They were nick, lily, Brendon, lucas, Joey, Delaney, and of course the host, frankie. Me and the group were using mikes since we were in the process of a live stream on our computers. Lucas had then spotted a strange and unusual thing, that thing was a cow on one of the lighting posts. Nick then all of a sudden disconnected. He reconnected later on, saying that right before his game crashed he saw a flash of a strang character, he didn't see a name tag. We were playing on a private server. I then suddenly Got a message in my email, it said: LICK WILL FIND YOU

I was scared, when I told the group, nick said he had heard of something similar to 505, he said it was entity 303, a common myth/creepy pasta. Brendon suggested to reply back and see what happens, so I did. I said: who are you?. The weird and creepy person replayed: LICK IS 505. Lily looked at my screen, she told the others, they said nothing but gasped. She asked why I replyed. I didn't say anything. Then all of a sudden me and lily heard weird glitch noises from the game, I saw a weird man, who looked british and also looked like a mime. This so called "player" was NOT herobrine, and couldn't be a player because the server was on private. We went ahead and crafted diamond tools and armor.
The noise continued until nighttime in the world, then me, nick, Lucas, and Lily's screens went black. We decided to end the live stream early, and delete the video.



Now, we've all have heard the story of the supposedly legend of Herobrine. You know, the one "spirit" who is said to roam and stalk you in what you thought were safe single player worlds? Now, I know what you're probably thinking to yourself: "Hey! Herobrine isn't real! Notch said he's fake and always will be!" But... what if I were to tell you that Herobrine IS real... However, not in the way one may think.

Let me explain. About 3 years ago, I was playing in a older version... Alpha or Beta, I can't really remember. It was a simple time back then. I was at a younger age and I didn't really think about how harmful such an innocent game like Minecraft would be. As far as the memories, however, there wasn't much... I remember my first world, my first house, you know, things normal players would remember when they first started they game. Now, I had a friend who told me about this little Herobrine rumor going around. I thought it was kind of funny, because I thought he was joking with me. So I shrugged it off. I must admit, I was a little intrigued about this silly little ghost. You probably would be too if you thought some evil guy with no eyeballs was going around attacking people in such a colorful game.

In those days, I never recalled actually seeing Herobrine... but I saw someone who almost acted like him... but looked WAY different. This "player" was all black. You couldn't see any detail at all... He was just pitch black. I never thought much of him, because he never directly came up to me... and he never ACTED hostile in a sense... he was kind of watching so to speak.Some time passed, and ever since I upgraded to a much bigger step, like the public 1.4 for example, he kind of... vanished. Gone. I was a little older by then, but still didn't think of him as "evil." I remembered how fun the old times were... So I wanted to try and find a way to play on older versions, but I never could...

That is, however, until Minecraft's new launcher came into place. You could actually go back in time... So I did. Keep in mind, my game wasn't modded, you couldn't really mod an older version, or at least I couldn't.I started up version 1.2.5, in beta I believe. All was fine of course, until after a few days. That's when the "spooky" ghost known as Herobrine showed himself to me. After walking home from mining, I went through a little forest to the east of the location of my wooden shack. Because smooth lighting wasn't a thing yet, it was really dark for me. I couldn't make out much... until there was light. A very dim light, it showed out in the corner of my eye. When I walked back after seeing it, I saw it was the cliche redstone torch. I thought that this was just a little prank Mojang put in so everyone would shut their mouths about Herobrine. I examined the torch very carefully, but, thinking it was a little joke, I continued walking. When I reached my house, a sign showed up where my door was. "Another prank." I thought. This sign was a little strange. It said one world: "null." Now, if I'm not mistaken, null usually is something similar to saying "Not Available" or something. So, with my not-very-unsuspecting mind, I thought it was meant to be another joke, but kind of bugged out.I slept off the night until morning came. When I walked out the front door I heard something like the sound of crying, whimpering, shouting... or possibly a growl. But, while the sound played, the noise it made got corrupted and turned into a muttering glitch noise. I looked around, left, right, behind me... No one was there... but out of nowhere a fall damage noise was heard. I quickly turned around, and I saw Herobrine. I was shocked. Before I could do anything however, my game froze, and the screen turned into the dirt background before Minecraft randomly quits itself. In fear, I was wondering what in the world did I just see!?

I've had enough. I e-mailed Mojang as soon as I could, asking why they would put such a stupid prank into such a horrifying scene... There was no response until about 2 months... but they didn't say sorry or anything. They gave a message along the lines of. "We cannot say anything discussing the matter of "Herobrine."I didn't want to play in those happy-go-lucky days of older Minecraft anymore. So I updated to 1.7.2. I started a new world. I spawned in a plains biome, and I went to explore the new biomes that were made for this update. I never got around to any interesting ones, so I decided I'd give up. After all, I just suffered 3 nights without shelter. After I built it I logged off. I didn't play again for a few days, because of course, school is a priority. When I eventually got around to free time, I went into my world. However, I wasn't in front of my brand new built house. No. Instead I was deep underground. So deep that I could see bedrock particles. I turned my brightness up so I could see better. In front of me was a narrow hallway. It didn't have any light, so I decided to walk down for a bit. After at least 5 minutes, I was tired and I wanted to turn back but out of nowhere, I realized a wall of stone was blocking my path. Had someone put that there to prevent escape?

It wasn't long now until I discovered again, another cliche redstone torch. I was thinking to myself "Oh great." I continued my journey through this narrow 1 block width tunnel. More torches started to appear, possibly lighting my way. I reached a dead end, however a sign was there to greet me. When I started reading the sign, I heard another corrupted noise, almost sounded like saying a depressed voice asking for help... the audio cut out afterwards. I was scared to turn around... the sign was already enough with these newly shown letters, unreadable with swedish text. I quickly took a screenshot before manually exited out my game.

I opened the screenshot, followed by Google Translate. I slowly typed in the words one by one. I then clicked "Translate." What I read made my heart go cold. It said: "Help! Null is here! Tell everyone about me!" I hesitated before thinking about playing the game again. But I came to the conclusion that if I don't "help" now, I may not get the chance to later. I logged back in. I was greeted to being up high in the sky, nothing in my inventory, and there was one piece of bedrock holding me up. I looked around... and there he was... the name you've all heard before: "Herobrine."

I stared at him, until my screen got bugged and turned into static. I was stuck in place. He started to use the chatting system...However, no nametag was shown who was stating the message. I took screenshots of every sentences he made before he decided to crash me again. Once again, I had opened Google Translate. The messages got more creepy the more I translated. It stated the following:
"I need help."
"Do you remember playing during the golden age of Minecraft?"
"If so, do you remember the man you were greeted by every now and then.
""The one who was as black as night itself."
"Do not take this monster lightly."
"I am trapped."
"You can blame him."
"I'm sure you've heard of stories about me. How I tortured innocent players?"
"Every single of them is FALSE."
"I am feared upon being a very evil entity."
"But I'm not! I'm one of the good guys!"
"That man you've seen before."
"He is different."
"HE is evil."
"Please tell everyone that I am trapped."
"Maybe they have a solution!"
"If you don't help, however..."
"Well then it's HIS game now."
Those words this newly misunderstood character have said... Made me think of a way to help.I talked to another friend, who also played Minecraft. He told me of a YouTuber who played the game and had VERY similar experiences... and how he's still trying to solve this mystery. He had things related to mine such as the sighting in Alpha, the report to Mojang, the same response, even some of the same things Herobrine had done to him. He had a lot of encounters. A few more than me. Herobrine also seemed to be very disturbed during the time of appearing to this guy. Herobrine also led him to clues about whoever "Null" is.
To believe or not to believe, the choice is up to you. Although I do not have visual evidence, due to the fact being that after he corrupted my world, he also took away all evidence of him being present in that world, the ones this guy recorded does leave good solid proof. Just look around YouTube, and you'll find a playlist of all 5 sightings he has had during this report.
Just remember guys: "He's looking out for you.. Trying to warn you of the dangers you can't see."
As for null? "He's looking for you. Trying to endanger you."
YouTuber: AlongCameJosh




I had recently spawned a new world in single-player Minecraft. Everything was normal at first as I began chopping down trees and crafting a workbench. I noticed something move amongst the dense fog (I have a very slow computer so I have to play with a tiny render distance). I thought it was a cow, so I pursued it, hoping to grab some hides for armor.
It wasn't a cow though. Looking back at me was another character with the default skin, but his eyes were empty. I saw no name pop up, and I double-checked to make sure I wasn't in multiplayer mode. He didn't stay long, he looked at me and quickly ran into the fog. I purused out of curiousity, but he was gone,
I continued on with the game, not sure what to think. As I expanded to world I saw things that seemed out of place for the random map generator to make; 2x2 tunnels in the rocks, small perfect pyramids made of sand in the ocean, and groves of trees with all their leaves cut off. I would constantly think I saw the other "player" in the deep fog, but I never got a better look at him. I tried increasing my render distance to far whenever I thought I saw him, but to no avail.
I saved the map and went on the forums to see if anyone else had found the pseudo-player. There were none. I created my own topic telling of the man and asking if anyone had a similar experience. The post was deleted within five minutes. I tried again, and the topic was deleted even faster. I received a PM from username 'Herobrine' containing one word: 'Stop.' When I went to look at Herobrine's profile, the page 404'd.
I received an email from another forum user. He claimed the mods can read the forum user messages, so we were safer using email. The emailer claimed that he had seen the mystery player too, and had a small 'directory' of other users who had seen him as well. Their worlds were littered with obviously man-made features as well, and described their mystery player to have no pupils.
About a month passed until I heard from my informant again. Some of the people who had encountered the mystery man had looked into the name Herobrine and found that name to be frequently used by a Swedish gamer. After some further information gathering, it was revealed to be the brother of Notch, the game's developer. I personally emailed Notch, and asked him if he had a brother. It took him a while, but he emailed me back a very short message.
'I did, but he is no longer with us.'
I haven't seen the mystery man since our first encounter, and I haven't noticed any changes to the world other than my own. I was able to press 'print screen' when I first saw him. Here's the only evidence of his existence.

Senin, 05 Februari 2018

Entity 303

Entity 303

Entity 303 (nicknamed "303") is a creepypasta commonly said to be "the New Herobrine". According to the pasta, a former Mojang employee was fired by Notch (the creator of Minecraft). Now he wants revenge on Mojang and Minecraft players alike. Entity 303 is said to be not just the former employee but a whole team of hackers going by usernames like "303mojang.com303," and "entity.303". If you have any files in your computer that are named anything with "303", then it could be 303's hackers. 303 can also hack in to player's worlds and corrupt them. 1/40 players are affected by 303 and his team. Herobrine actually came to warn us about 303 by showing what he would do. 303 plans to ruin Minecraft by the end of 2014 or 2015. Signs have been seen in worlds hacked by 303 saying "hjälp" ("help" in Swedish). That means Herobrine needs our help (or hjälp) to defeat 303. If he is not defeated soon Minecraft will be in his control. (Note: the first 303 sighting happened on December 10, 2013. The events of that encounter are not known)

First Encounter

The following is an email from Frankie, the first person to encounter Entity 303, that was suppose to go to Speed, the first person to ever speak out about 303. Frankie's email has since been deleted.
Date Email Sent: December 11th, 2013

Subject: entity 303 information
Hi, Speed. My name is Frankie. I'm a huge fan of Minecraft, and I've been playing for about two years now. Every day after school, me and my friend, John would always play on his private server. He was a bit of a noob at Minecraft, but since he was pretty rich, he decided to buy a private server so we could play multiplayer survival, along with my friends, Vincent and Brady.
One day, we all were in a group Skype chat and we were working on a huge survival city that we were in the process of building for at least 8 months. We were really proud with how it turned out. It was located in a desert, so we appropriately named our city “Drybones.” All of a sudden, while we all went to grab supplies to finish the hotel that we were working on, John noticed something strange in the chat. The only plugins that we had on the server were Essentials, along with some plugin that Brady found called “SocialSpy.” Thanks to SocialSpy, it seems that someone named “player.number:303” used the command “/stop.” Now, John suffers from major anxiety. I’ve known him since preschool, and he’s always been a really insecure person, so when he saw that a so-called “nonexistent player” tried to shut down the server, he immediately thought that it was a hacker. At first, I thought it was just a bug or something and that he was being paranoid, but I reminded myself that this was a private server. I set up the plugins for him and such, and I kept his server whitelisted, since he didn’t know how. There was no way anyone could join except us.
I checked the server control panel, and it showed we were the only ones on the server. I was getting a bit confused. We all decided to just ignore it and continue on with our survival. It’s about 20 minutes in, and I’m walking with Vincent to the nearest forest to grab wood, which wasn’t very near at all. All of a sudden, we see a white figure in the distance of the desert. It appeared to be in the model of some type of ghostly figure, with what I could barely make out as red eyes. I quickly took a screenshot and ran after it.
For some reason, Vincent’s player just stood still. I assume it’s just lag, but he’s not even speaking on the skype call. I check skype and ask if he’s still online. No answer. He’s not even on the Skype call. By now, Brady is just ignoring us and concentrating on the hotel, and John is freaking out. I can hear the shakiness of his voice. Anyhow, I open up Minecraft again to see that the white figure disappeared, and Vincent disconnected from the server. I try calling him on my phone, but no answer. It goes straight to voice mail. I try texting him, but the texts don’t deliver.  John’s getting worried, to the point where it sounds like he’s about to cry. Brady isn’t even listening to us, he’s not aware of the situation at all. I finally get his attention, and he finally realizes how peculiar this problem is. He tps to me and helps me search for the white figure. Now, John’s hysterically crying, thinking that the hacker killed Vincent IRL or something.
Suddenly, my screen starts glitching. It’s not normal for Minecraft to bug out like that. It looked like it was corrupted or something. If that’s not bad enough, the chat starts spamming “Object successfully summoned” by “player.number:303.” I look at the skype chat, and realize that someone has joined the call. It does not have a username, nor did we get any notification of someone getting added to the call. John’s just watching this all happen. His voice is shaking, and I can hear him sniffling. Honestly, I was starting to get a little freaked out myself. Brady seemed to leave the call and disconnect from the server, possibly out of boredom. I’m trying to calm John down, but he simply repeats “I CAN’T TAKE THIS. THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME.”
The anonymous skype caller finally puts facecam on. It’s too dark to see anything. John gets too overwhelmed and leaves the call and server. I don’t blame him, if he stayed any longer, he’d probably have a mental breakdown. It’s just me and this anonymous player. I ask if there’s anyone there. I hear a faint voice saying something like “MAKE A WISH.” It was faint, yet it sounded like a voice changer. I decide to switch on Minecraft to see if the player is there. The chat spams with “FILE OVERLOAD” in red text, along with “MAKE A WISH” in gray text. I suddenly get poisoned with a potion of blindness. I then lose my ability to move. I can’t even turn off my computer or exit out of Minecraft. This player then runs up to me. It seemed to have a ghostly skin on, with red eyes and a white parka. The chat then says one more thing. “Make a wish, and say goodbye to your friends.” The skype call drops and somehow exits out by itself, and the player runs up to me and hits me. For some reason, it makes that “oof” noise that used to exist in Beta and earlier. My computer then shuts off. I try to turn it on, but to no avail. I try using my phone, but the internet is down.
I wait about three hours before turning on my computer. The desktop wallpaper was changed to green coding, probably hex. I then realize that literally everything except the Recycling Bin was deleted from my PC. I turn off my computer and use my laptop. I try calling John, but he doesn’t answer. The same goes with Brady and Vincent. I decide to just go to bed and go to school the next day to speak with John and the others the next day. I go to school the next morning, and Brady is the only one to show up. He says that Vin and John’s parents called his parents and ask if John or Vin are at his house. Apparently, they went missing. There was no sign of them, and the police came to their houses and check to see if they were any clues on where they were, but there were no results. I decide to ditch school and walk to John’s house to see if he’s there. I see his mother sitting on the steps, crying. I ask if she’s ok, and she says that John apparently……committed suicide. Not in the house, most likely snuck out to end his life. She handed me a piece of paper that she claimed to have been left on John’s computer table. I read the note carefully. “I can’t take this anymore. I can’t sleep, I’m afraid he’s watching me. I can’t live like this knowing that someone is after me, wanting me to die a slow, painful death. I’m sorry mom……I love you.” I started to cry a bit when I read those last few words. I check the back of the paper, and written on the corner in very small text was that familiar phrase……”MAKE A WISH.”
After about 20 minutes of comforting John’s mother, I leave to go check on Vincent. His dad’s car is in the driveway, but no one is home. Not even his dad. I sneak in the house, and what do I see in the bathroom? Written on the mirror in red marker are the words “MAKE A WISH.” That was when I realized that these weren’t just coincidences. This was a serious issue. Not just some hacker, but someone who is mentally torturing his victims and causing them to so-called “disappear.”
If you get this email, Speed, and if you ever encounter “303” again, I want you to quickly close out of your Minecraft and shut down your computer. I don’t want you to end up like Vincent or John. Please be careful……if I get
more information, I’ll contact you immediately. Good luck.
Entity 303
Entity 303

Second Encounter

I was playing with some friends on XBOX 360, playing Minecraft and we were in creative mode building a big city. The world was also on peaceful mode. We were all having a good time until somebody's house started burning.
Now, of course, we had all heard of griefers, but in fact we were blaming everyone. In fact, another house started burning as well. We blamed the host using his host privileges. However, we were WRONG.
We all decided to investigate what was really going on. We all went to a house together, (including the host) only to see the most scariest thing happen.
We looked through the windows to see TNT go off by itself somewhere in the distance. We were all starting to get scared, and would get even more scared.
We then began to look around houses and most of them were on fire. There was nothing that could set these houses on fire, and fire spreads was off, so was TNT. I tried to believe the host that TNT and fire did not work.
Once more, crap started happening when we were all together, including the host. No one was missing in the house. I counted heads and we were all together. But stuff was happening and we couldn't explain it.
To my surprise, we started finding signs and TNT going off again. It was too much. I plugged a cable into my Xbox and into my computer. I opened up a program used to read the source codes that were going on. To my surprise, the source codes described this entity as "303".
My source codes soon started getting out of control. Weird "303" entity codes were showing up and I couldn't stop them. My computer was being overwhelmed with this! I tried to find out who was causing this, but I just couldn't. Just 303 did this and that, nothing else. Nothing.
But not everything was caused by him. The host started trolling us to scare us as well. it wouldn't be a secret for long. The source codes told me everything that was happening INCLUDING what the players did, and me as well. But then the source codes were done. They were surely DONE for it.

303 source
A picture of the 303 source codes.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out what was happening. But the source codes soon spelled out the words "Make a Wish". I thought this was the host, but then started blaming everyone again. As you can see in the source codes I highlighted everything that the entity 303 did. Block 1241 is TNT. Item 3213 is Flint and Steel. Block 4 is wood. And also in the RAR of the world, I highlighted "MAKEAWISH" as I said earlier. This list went on and on, completely busting my computer. But one question remains: Is This Herobrine?

The two white figures. (One is likely Entity 303).
Soon, the host had to go to sleep and left the world. However, the source codes were still working, no idea why, and the world was off. Entity 303 was still controlling the world. I decided to exit my program and see if anyone had seen this mysterious "Entity" on the Minecraft Forums. There were a few people. Some of them sent me pictures that they have taken, and only one PC player took a picture as he had seen it as well. He said he was playing with his friend on a private Homachi server. As you can see, they encountered it as well. Yes, it has a texture pack but he sent me the pack and there's no mob or block with a white skin.
Soon a mysterious profile on the forums started to chat with me. He only said a few words and then left the chat. "Notch will think you are crazy when he sees this, by the way. YOUR NEXT". I hurried and

303 email
The full email conversation.
clicked on his profile. But the page 404'd. Soon I recieved an inbox message from him and clicked reply. I asked him where Herobrine was only to get back a scary reply.
I got this message: "I replaced him. He has died. He is no longer with us, nor anyone else". I was using another website to reply to him for protection. On the forums, my account suddenly signed out. I tried to sign back in, only for the forums to tell me "Your account has been deleted for the following reason: Stop". I couldn't believe it! I made another account and stopped researching and went to sleep as well.
There have been many more sightings after this one. The first person who saw 303 has disappeared from the internet. He hasn't been heard from since December 10, 2013. The most recent encounter (as of 7/7/2014) is when on July 7, 2014, the second encounter person (Youtube: Thespeed179) was Skype texting with a friend. In the middle of the conversation, 303's team hacked his computer.
If you see things in your Minecraft worlds like birch wood in oak trees, fire in the sky, random cobblestone where it is not supposed to be, upside-down crosses, figures in the distance, or other suspicious occurences, Entity 303 could be hacking your Minecraft. If you think you've been hacked, look through your whole computer and delete files with "303" in them. Remember, a lot more than 1/40 people are affected by 303. There are some people pretending to be Entity 303. If you see someone on Minecraft with the username "Entity 303" then just ignore the person. Be careful and stay safe.
If you see anything weird in your worlds, post a comment showing the picture.
UPDATE (December 13, 2013)
Entity 303 said that we have 5 weeks to train because the war will be in 5 weeks. Get ready guys. He also said to look out of your window at night because he said you will see him eating children and spitting out their bones. Children are disappearing and the last thing they did was Minecraft. Also, Thespeed179's team discovered the "Sulfur of Immunity". It is an IP address that protects you from 303. It is currently unknown how it works. If you haven't been affected by 303 yet, it will happen in 5 weeks.

Entity 303 cannot be beaten just by fighting alone. So, some people created teams. The team leaders recruit members over the internet to fight Entity 303. Thespeed179's team is the first one. Speed's team has a special server called the "Sulfur of Immunity". A thing that protects you from 303.


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